Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On my way home!

On our way home for Christmas we ran into our friend Adam on the airplane leaving DC.
Adam, Heather, and me...i'm not very good at getting myself in pictures
The snow from the plane in Chicago
Me, Heather and Katelin with our Christmas tree in our hotel
Our way nice hotel!!!

Fading Point Concert!

I went to the fading point christmas concert and it was so amazing!!!
Our friend Aaron being amazing
Abbie, Jessica, Me, Lizzy, and heather waiting for it to start!!!
Me, Heather, and he Star Aaron
Jessica, Heather, "D" and Me
Jessica, Heather, Brydon, and Me

Wal-mart Fun!

So our last Friday in the Beev before Christmas break we were so boredso we decided to go to Walmart and take pictures!!!

Me Gina, Kezia, and Amanda being tennis players!!!

Amanda and i trying to hoolahoop together lol

Heather, Kezia, Amanda, and me....lets go hunting!!!

Kezia, Gina, Amanda, and me ready to get some deer!!!

Gina, Me, Amanda, and Heather laying on the cat food

Amanda, Me, Gina, and Heather....Peace!!!

Gina, Amanda and i realy love elmo!!!

Girls Basketball Game!

We made shirts for two of the girls on the basketball team and wore them to their game!!!
Aaron Ellsworth, Me, Gina, and Heather

Special Education Class!

For one of my classes i had to go volunteer at the elementary school. So th class that i went to was an Earlychildhood Special Ed. class and all the kids were either 3 or 4 and they were so cute we took this picture the last day we saw them.
Macy, Karson, Brody, Cameron, Arianna, and James

All in a day's work!

Our first Saturday after volleyball was over we didn't know what to do so heather and i decided to color out of the coloring books we have at my house and after we were done we decided to give my house wallpaper!!!!

Volleyball Banquet!

Our team after the end of the season...We are gonna miss Alison

our whole team
West Coast Girls
We are "Def" angels

Hunting Season!

So while we were filling up my car with gas these to hunters were getting gas they had two dead deed in the back and heather thought it was so cool so we took pictures with them!!!

Pinnacle Party!

So tonight we went to the Pinnacle party and Heather and i and our friend elliot made a way amazing gingerbread house and we along with everyone else at the party thought we were going to win but then a kid who's house didn't even have one side up won...and then after the party we were leaving and someone had tied a dead frozen fox to someones car it was crazy!!!
Heather and i with our gingerbread house and a dead fox!!!
Elliot, Heather and i after we lost

Sunday, November 9, 2008

nationals 3

After the Banquet Skye and i were feeling cute so we decided to put all of our cuteness together!!!
we all tried to fit in the elevator but there was no one to take the picture so i took it

Nationals 2

This is at our volleyball banquet during nationals in Indiana our tem was by far the most modest and the cutest
Hillary, Heather and I
OUr team is kinda crazy sometimes
But we can look cute with the best of them
Heather Anna and I 
The "BIG" Indiana State sign


Some more pictures of our Banquet

Coach P was caught off guard
OH...we are so cute thats my T
Heather really likes this picture for some reason.. :)
We are so cool
Heather and I


We all did our nails silver 
in a huddle before the game
We are acting kinda "special" you could say
Skye in the elevator we were scared
We are so cool!!! another elevator picture

we have no lives

So on our way to and from our game from west virginia tech we got really bored and it was a really long long drive
Heather and Cari are upside down..but not really
Sad face Cari
Sad face Me
Sad face Heather
Happy face Ali

bored cont.

Happy face Hillary
Happy face Skye
Happy face Me
Happy face Cari
Happy face Heather