Friday, April 27, 2012

37-38 Weeks

Well you guessed it, I am behind again. But only by a week I think? 

37 Weeks:  This week was boring I think....we went to the Dr's on Monday and he said that the baby is head down and that at next weeks appointment he will check my cervix to see how things are going. Also that he will be out of town on my due date. So depending on how things are going we might be having Macks early. 

38 Weeks: Well, went to the Dr's Monday of this week and got checked, I guess I am (was) 60-65% effaced and 1 cm. Dr said he will check again next Monday and figure out where we go from there. He is leaving on the 5th of May and wont be back until the 10th, and he doesn't like other doctors delivering his patients so.....(maybe we will have this baby sooner then we thought!!!!) While the Dr was checking Macks heartbeat he had to feel around to see where she was laying and he felt her head and let John feel it. (I am pretty sure John was super excited about it!!!) 

That is it for the Dr's, but Macks has been the biggest stinker this whole week. She decides to do crazy pushes on mommies tummy so that her whole bum is sticking out, and it looks like I have a huge growth!!! She also likes to only move and go wild when mommy wants to sleep. I hope that this is not something she is going to carry on after she is born. 

Well this week is going by super fast and I am loving life. John has been the most amazing person through-out this whole thing and he keeps surprising me more and more each day with the amount of love he shows me and even Macks!!! 

Well, here I am at 38 weeks

Thursday, April 12, 2012

34-36 weeks!!!!

Okay, so I know that it is not Monday and I said I would update after the Dr's. But I never got to it. So it is now a week and a half later and I am finally updating!!! 

35 Weeks: At our 34 week appointment the Dr said everything is looking good and that I am right on track with weight. ( I lost a pound!!! Which I wasn't expecting because I had a lot of food Saturday and Sunday and probably should have gained more than I lost!!) The Dr said we are now on cruise control. I will meet with him again on April 16th, then once a week until Macks is here!!!! I am so super excited! 
Macks is head down according to the Dr. which I have no doubt because I can feel her kicking my ribs while stretching her arms across my stomach. I can already tell that she does not like feeling squished. 

36 Weeks: Well this week has been kind of rough. We thought that I was developing allergies at the end of last week. But this whole week I am starting to think that they are not allergies at all but a cold. I thought that I was doing so well not getting sick. :( You think that having a cold is horrible? Well try having a cold while pregnant and not being able to take anything for it. :( I am just trying to rest and drink lots of fluid. I hope that it gets better soon. I know John hates seeing me like this, and I definitely hate feeling like this!!! 
Well that is really all this week I will try to update after the Dr's on Monday.

Here I am at 36 weeks!!!