Monday, February 17, 2014


 So for those of you who don't know John, he is the biggest BYU fan. So I thought it only fitting to have a BYU Christmas tree this year. I thought it turned out pretty well. Sorry you can't see all the fun ornaments but they were super cute from little snowmen that had a big "Y" on their sweaters to little footballs.

This describes our home to a T. 
"We are BYU"

My SIL Sarah had my nephew Blake help do some of the Christmas cooking and I thought that it looked like so much fun and I wanted to try it out with Macks so we gave it a shot. And I was right it was great fun Macks loved taking the wrappers off all of the kisses and we only had to tell her once not to eat them!

She was having so much fun telling Daddy all about her day while still working hard

We tried to see Santa again this year but Macks was not having it this time around. Which super surprised me because she had been obsessed with Santa since the beginning of December. Everywhere we went if she saw someone with a beard she thought it was Santa. So this is the only picture we got of her giving Santa a high five!

 Here are our Family Christmas Pictures!

1 comment:

Sarah L. said...

I love everyting about this post... especially that y'all had a blast with the Christmas baking! :)